
Web Development

Senior - I have an advanced understanding of the skill and can perform complex tasks.

Last used 4 weeks ago

A system for designing tailwind pages in Figma..

local_library Books

Activity sprint

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build 2 usage logs

Skill Log sticky_note_2

  • 28 Jun 2024 build Tidy up report forms and controllers
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 10 Jun 2024 build Working on some components and date pickers
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 23 Oct 2023 build Dashboard
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • 21 Sep 2023 build Key contacts
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • 31 Aug 2023 build Tool tips
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 28 Aug 2023 build Header and burger fix
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 25 Aug 2023 build Staff CPD
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 24 Aug 2023 build View class
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 23 Aug 2023 build Assessment report
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Pupils voice form
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 22 Aug 2023 build Attendance report
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 17 Aug 2023 build Provision page
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Venue search page
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 15 Aug 2023 build Add Short term plan to medium plan
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Add logo to mobile header
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Extra curricular activities modal
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Medium term plan form
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 10 Aug 2023 build Task/18 extra curricular activities 1
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Long term plan table
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Password reset form
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Short term plan
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 08 Aug 2023 build Form and PDF
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • build Header and image size
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 07 Aug 2023 build DB changes
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 04 Aug 2023 build Added Topic
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 02 Aug 2023 build Task/8 lesson plan images 2
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Setup S3
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 27 Jul 2023 build School overview
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Databtable / index
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • build Layout and sidebar
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 25 Jul 2023 build Tidy up
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Delete lesson plan
    Intermediate (30 minutes)

  • build Task/lesson plan builder clone
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Task/lesson plan builder preview
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Task/lesson plan builder form
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Lesson plan datatable
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 20 Jul 2023 build Integration docs
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Setup layouts
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Task/lesson plan builder service
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Database and model
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Login form
    Intermediate (1 hour)