Git and Github

Web Development

Intermediate - I have a good understanding of the skill and can perform most tasks.

Last used 5 months ago

Git is a distributed version control system widely used in software development to track changes in source code during the development process. It allows multiple developers to collaborate on a project by managing different versions of the codebase.

Git and its eco system of front ends are tools I use everyday even for examples and demo code. It is a great way to help organise your code.

Also includes experience with GitHub and BitBucket.

local_library Books


Ry's Git Tutorial

By Ryan Hodson

Read 1 times for 0 minutes calendar_month

Activity sprint

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build 1 usage log

Skill Journey route

  • circle Create an Action or Pipeline for CI
  • circle Explore lesser used Git commands again
  • task_alt

    Setup automatic testing 09th February 2024 5 months ago

  • task_alt

    Stash Master - used it a lot recently 03rd October 2023 9 months ago

  • task_alt

    Work on a commercial project with other devs 18th March 2009 15 years ago

  • task_alt

    Fix a merge conflict 14th November 2006 17 years ago

  • task_alt

    Merge a pull request 15th October 2006 17 years ago

  • task_alt

    Create a branch 10th July 2006 18 years ago

Skill Log sticky_note_2

  • 12 Jul 2024 build Deploying new features and merge fixes
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 12 Feb 2024 build Implementing tests on Github for CI
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 09 Feb 2024 build Using actions and workflows for automatic testing
    Basic (1 hour)

  • 29 Jan 2024 build Tidy up and deploy the new availability feature
    Basic (2 hours)

  • 24 Jan 2024 build Deploy code changes to production via Plesk on VPS.
    Basic (1 hour)

  • 19 Jan 2024 build Helping a back log of pull requests
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 11 Jan 2024 build Deployed the latest features to production.
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 10 Jan 2024 build Contributed some changes to a public GitHub repository
    Intermediate (1 hour)