
Web Development

Intermediate - I have a good understanding of the skill and can perform most tasks.

Last used 1 month ago

"Livewire is a full-stack framework for Laravel that makes building dynamic interfaces simple, without leaving the comfort of Laravel"

Laravel Livewire is a powerful web development framework seamlessly integrated with Laravel, enabling developers to create dynamic and interactive user interfaces using PHP on the server side.

This means that teams can leverage their existing PHP skills to streamline frontend development, reducing complexity and speeding up the overall development process.

Livewire's real-time updates and automatic component synchronization contribute to a smoother and more responsive user experience, while its emphasis on code reusability and maintainability enhances overall project efficiency.

local_library Books

Activity sprint

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build 24 usage logs

Skill Journey route

  • circle Explore the Livewire 3 updates in detail
  • task_alt

    Upgrade from Livewire 2 to Livewire 3 on production site 15th September 2023 10 months ago

  • task_alt

    Develop and deploy components to commercial projects 03rd February 2021 3 years ago

  • task_alt

    Build demo components and forms 18th October 2020 3 years ago

Skill Log sticky_note_2

  • 12 Jul 2024 build Deploying new features and merge fixes
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 11 Jul 2024 build New feature - child collection password expiry
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • build Form designer fixes and updates
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 10 Jul 2024 build New feature - child collection passwords
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 08 Jul 2024 build Form designer path and processes
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 04 Jul 2024 build Livewire Crud for form designer
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 03 Jul 2024 build Livewire Crud for form designer
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 02 Jul 2024 build Form manager code
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 17 Jun 2024 build Resource download and views
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 14 Jun 2024 build Updating resource crud for new roles
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 12 Jun 2024 build Interactive date picker and drop downs
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 11 Jun 2024 build Support fixes and updates
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 10 Jun 2024 build Working on some components and date pickers
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 05 Jun 2024 build Policies and exception handlers
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 03 Jun 2024 build Resources section crud features
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 31 May 2024 build Develop FAQ section with groups
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 29 May 2024 build Develop an FAQ section
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 24 May 2024 build Deploy resource feature to staging, updates after testing
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 23 May 2024 build Front end and filament work for resources section
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 22 May 2024 build Building a downloable resource are for clients
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • build Finish up the onboarding system
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 13 May 2024 build Onboarding system
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 10 May 2024 build Building an onboard checklist component
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 09 May 2024 build Building an onboard checklist component
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 02 Apr 2024 build Front end components for chat assistant
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 18 Mar 2024 build New ecommerce site for small business
    Intermediate (6 hours)

  • 13 Feb 2024 build Building a new homepage component
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 08 Feb 2024 build Adding a last used feature, needing dates from many tables
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 06 Feb 2024 build Chasing down bugs...
    Basic (6 hours)

  • 02 Feb 2024 build Building a customer assistant chat feature.
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • 31 Jan 2024 build Front end components with interactivity
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 30 Jan 2024 build Building front end Livewire components to handle in page interactions and updates.
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 29 Jan 2024 build Livewire component for an interactive stats box with a time period filter.
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 27 Jan 2024 build Building a new availability feature and calendar
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 26 Jan 2024 build Filtering and sorting records
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • 25 Jan 2024 build Building a new books and library feature. Basic model patterns.
    Intermediate (7.5 hours)

  • 17 Jan 2024 build Building some frontend Livewire components.
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • 12 Jan 2024 build Tidying up the Journal front end code.
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 26 Oct 2023 build Mobile fixes
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Loading div
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Task/80b deactivate sector 1
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Slow loading - Cache promotion API calls
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Status select fix
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 29 Sep 2023 build Task/87 seeded data 1
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • 14 Sep 2023 build Report the error
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Livewire fix
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Task/63 product meta 13 09 2023 1
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 13 Sep 2023 build Added product sitemapindex
    Intermediate (30 minutes)

  • build Task/end to end 12 09 2023 1
    Intermediate (30 minutes)

  • build Special delivery fix
    Intermediate (30 minutes)

  • build Address fixes
    Intermediate (30 minutes)

  • build Site editor styling
    Intermediate (30 minutes)

  • build Task/100 favicon 13 09 2023 1
    Intermediate (30 minutes)

  • build Site editor Masthead
    Intermediate (30 minutes)

  • build Fix toggle settings
    Intermediate (30 minutes)

  • build Disable edit button
    Intermediate (30 minutes)

  • build Footer link fix
    Intermediate (30 minutes)

  • build Update colours
    Intermediate (30 minutes)

  • 12 Sep 2023 build Fixes for deployment
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 11 Sep 2023 build WIP Pricing
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Task/pricing discounts 2
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • build Discount calcs and tests
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 08 Sep 2023 build Update API resources
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Update model and api resource
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Update pricing to 6 decimal places
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 05 Sep 2023 build Task/99 checkout 24 08 2023 payment details
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • build Remove URL from logo
    Intermediate (30 minutes)

  • 22 Aug 2023 build Basket fix and reset
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 17 Aug 2023 build Fix basket with reload
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Checkout fixes
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Fixed basket tests 3 of 3 pass
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 01 Aug 2023 build Canonical links
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 28 Jul 2023 build Task/97 product descriptions 1
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Task/62 homepage content settings 1
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Task/83 login reg pages 1
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Fix inactive prods basket
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Fix basket quantity selection
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 18 Jul 2023 build Task/81 cms adjustments settings
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Dashboard view
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Report service
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Bug fixes address
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Style fixes
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Task/90 final site colours ui
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 17 Jul 2023 build Session messages
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Disable edit mobile preview
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Colour services
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Update Fonts
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 13 Jul 2023 build Purchase tracking
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • build Google tags service
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • 12 Jul 2023 build Checkout update
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • build Removed iframe address
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 16 Jun 2023 build Doc update and new method
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 14 Jun 2023 build Page meta tags
    Intermediate (6 hours)

  • 13 Jun 2023 build Tidyup and fixes
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Category pages
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Product sitemaps
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build API Route
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Sitemaps start
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 08 Jun 2023 build Display products UI
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Product form
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Api endpoint
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Featured attribute
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 07 Jun 2023 build Promo hero products
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 11 May 2023 build Banner
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Add USPs
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Footer links and address
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Discount prices 1
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • build Task/mp/38 promotions hotfixes1
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Site editor
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • build Task/mp/38 promotions ui 1
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 28 Apr 2023 build Promotions CMS
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Basic API Form
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build PMS Index
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Task/mp/38 promotions tidy 4
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Real-time facade
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Snakes the code
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Move files around
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build UI Endpoints
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build CMS Endpoints
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Promotion products
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 05 Apr 2023 build Promotion Banners
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Create and Update
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Platform list endpoint
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Models and Factories
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Database migrations
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 22 Mar 2023 build CMS Updates
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • build Customer emails
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • 21 Mar 2023 build Address updates
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Redirect after registration
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Adding loading notice
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Delivery settings
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 17 Mar 2023 build Basket fix 2
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Fix lw issues
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Fix API route
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Css fixes
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Enable editing the Homepage editor
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Default banners and content
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Default page title
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Single promo v3 content
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build About us homepage content
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build USP Homepage content
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Task/mp/44 worldpay style 1
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Confirmation email
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 14 Mar 2023 build Task/mp/61 address postcodes
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • build Google address autocomp
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 02 Mar 2023 build Fixes and tidying up
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 01 Mar 2023 build Fix attempt 1
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Debug route
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Task/mp/24 basket worldpay callback 2
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Creating the Order
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 27 Feb 2023 build Task/mp/24 basket worldpay callback
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Added exception for worldpay routes
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 24 Feb 2023 build Delivery and WP
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • build Checkout
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • 23 Feb 2023 build Checkout login
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • build Basket final
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 17 Feb 2023 build Basic API endpoint
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Basket page WIP
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Product add to basket
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Task/mp/24 basket localstore
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 15 Feb 2023 build Page content
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 10 Feb 2023 build Homepage editor
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • build Task/mp/no vbox orders
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 31 Jan 2023 build My account and colours
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 13 Jan 2023 build Contact page
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Task/mp/email subscription mobile
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Front end UI
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Customer form
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build CMS Datatable
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Service provider / tests
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Model and db
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 12 Jan 2023 build New SVGs
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • build Center text
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 04 Jan 2023 build Force the seeder for production
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • 03 Jan 2023 build Tidy stores code
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • build Css fixes
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 22 Dec 2022 build Added boxy image
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Hotfix view cache issue
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Delete merchant
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 21 Dec 2022 build Update integration file
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Added second order popup
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Added CC emails for admins
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 20 Dec 2022 build Update policy - text changes from Word
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 19 Dec 2022 build Task/mp/delivery note button
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Add minus to discount
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 15 Dec 2022 build Merchant add and edit
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • 14 Dec 2022 build Task/mp/coupons poc minorder
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 09 Dec 2022 build Task/mp/delivery note
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Fix Sbox coupon
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Fix VBox coupons
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 07 Dec 2022 build Discount coupons
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Task/mp/pms merchants datatable
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Routes and controller
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 01 Dec 2022 build Task/mp/front end merge
    Intermediate (6 hours)

  • 24 Nov 2022 build Tests
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Auth updates
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Edit, delete
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Datatable / index
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Basic setup
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 23 Nov 2022 build Extra tests
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Fix super admin use
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Tests 1 of 2
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Task/mp/platform admin users edit
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Fix old buttons
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Users index page
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Address features
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Added customer notes
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Added customer orders table
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Customer save & clean up
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Added page to view / edit customer
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Added CMS index datatable
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Updated customer table
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 10 Nov 2022 build Site editor updates
    Intermediate (7 hours)

  • 04 Nov 2022 build Rename cancel button
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • build Task/mp/fixes 1 text
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 03 Nov 2022 build Fix FE signup form
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 01 Nov 2022 build Task/mp/news signup list
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 27 Oct 2022 build Task/mp/news signup fixes
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • 26 Oct 2022 build Mailing list additions
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 20 Oct 2022 build My account v1
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Payments and CSS refac
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Order notes
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Relations and Raw
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Order Status tidying up
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Order CMS
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Address, Customer, Orders db
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Export users as csv
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Task/fixes 11 10 2022 cancellations
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 11 Oct 2022 build Stop duplicate orders
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Fix multi payment bugs
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 06 Oct 2022 build Added settings and disable vb option
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 29 Sep 2022 build Demo homepage images
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 28 Sep 2022 build Worldpay Style tests and integration
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 23 Sep 2022 build Invoice CSV Email
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Order cancel updates
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • build Homepage editor POC - sortable list
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • build Task/social and order updates 16 09 22
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • build Task/worldpay integration 1 webhooks
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 12 Sep 2022 build Link fix
    Intermediate (6 hours)

  • 09 Sep 2022 build Task/typos and copy updates 090922
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 07 Sep 2022 build Copy updates
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 05 Sep 2022 build Test button
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 30 Aug 2022 build Copy and typos
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • 29 Aug 2022 build Homepage
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Move from Front to Ui
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Views and layouts
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Controllers
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Routes and test fixes
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Frontend Page Tests
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 26 Aug 2022 build Task/merchant cms settings updates1 tests
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • build Settings updates and fix
    Intermediate (4 hours)

  • 24 Aug 2022 build PDF fixes and button
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Admin cancel order
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Allow customer to cancel
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Uniqueness bugs
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 11 Aug 2022 build Task/merchant cms create stores review updates
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 10 Aug 2022 build Styling fee invoice
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Task/merchant cms settings ui 2
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Basic UI and component
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 05 Aug 2022 build More tests and fixes
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Improve service
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Model, factory and service
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Task/merchant cms settings database
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Tests and fixes
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build CMS Stores - Query string and bug fixes
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build First tests
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 03 Aug 2022 build Fix isOpen scope
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 02 Aug 2022 build Add additional file check
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • 26 Jul 2022 build Datatables sortables - and fixes
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Task/merchant cms create stores livewire datatables searchables
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build 8. Data tables livewire
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 25 Jul 2022 build Add and Edit form
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 21 Jul 2022 build Livewire starter
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Store service provider
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Store seeder and db fix
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Store factory
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Store model and time cast
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Store Migration
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 06 Jul 2022 build remove box msg
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • 04 Jul 2022 build Change TZ
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • build Add a dot
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 01 Jul 2022 build Delivery note and google
    Intermediate (3 hours)

  • build Skip returns
    Intermediate (2 hours)

  • build Temp fixes
    Intermediate (1 hour)

  • 25 May 2022 build Backend customer management tools.
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 24 May 2022 build Backend Looks editor and customer management.
    Intermediate (5 hours)

  • 23 May 2022 build Backend - building a customers 'look' and products.
    Intermediate (5 hours)